Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Big Guy

This big guy is a Merino wether. He came with the homeless Rambos, along with another just like him who is intact (still has his equipment). Isn't he handsome? His wool is very dense and soft and a lovely deep brown color. He has four white socks which you can't see very well in this picture as he just came in from the snow. Still snowing, colder temps coming tomorrow, going down to single digits tomorrow night. Spring comes late here in the Great North Land and we can get snow until May. The colder it stays, the later the flies will hatch - but we want the grass to green up. The sheep will be so happy to stretch their legs over the hills and munch on some fresh green grass.


  1. Ooooo, yes, he IS handsome! His name is?

  2. Can you think of any famous eunochs we can name him after?

  3. Oh, gosh, a eunoch of fame? Not off hand...I was thinking of something like "Dove Bar" or "Cocoa Crispy", heh. I can't think of a single gelding, famous or not, human or otherwise. This is one of those things that makes me go hmmmm....


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