Monday, February 18, 2008

Stubborn Little Monkey

This little guy is very stubborn and won't take his bottle. Good thing he has such beautiful blue eyes, like his mother. I wish his mother would take him back, but no deal. She butts him away - very sad. Now I have to be his mother but he's making it hard. He will walk across the apartment to the dog water bowl and drink out of it - something I have never seen a kid or lamb do at only 24 hours old. But he won't suck on a nipple. He needs milk, not water, to survive so I keep trying to dribble milk into his mouth. I don't want to tube him since he can swallow and he's really able to drink from the bottle, he just doesn't want to. When I pick him up he sucks on my chin - but not the bottle! I'm using the famous Pritchard's teat, which is the closest thing to a mother's nipple. Sometimes I think he is swallowing when I hold the teat in his mouth and gently rub it on his teeth so milk comes out. Then he will clamp down his jaw and it all runs out. I think I will pour some milk into the dog bowl and see if he drinks it...

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Sounds like you might have a "bowl baby" rather than a "bottle baby" Hey, whatever works!

    And his is SO cute. Look at the size difference already too. It is so neat to see all the little babies sharing a bed and snuggling. Bet the dogs are a bit peeved at having to share their sleeping spaces?!



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