Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Grain Bins Anyone?

What a miserable morning. Dark and raining like crazy. I'm so worried about the lambs staying too long outside with their mothers. Their sweaters will become soggy and they'll be chilled. The round bales are outside in the rain. I buy them because they are cheaper than square bales but I can't get them inside the barn with no tractor and they won't roll through the mud. I have to go to work and leave Matt with all this. I had Bluetag's baby in the apt. last night, found her chilled to the bone, stiff in a tight curl. Got her unfrozen and nursing from a bottle. Bluetag is frantic for her baby but I'm afraid to put her back in the barn. Maybe when I get home from work today. I can't bear to leave but then I'm afraid to come home. Weather report says rain for two days. This is awful...but would I rather have a blizzard? I don't think so. I'm advertising my grain bins for sale. I'm not using them and with people hoarding corn I might be able to unload them. Keeping my fingers crossed.

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