Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Hill Yes!

I rushed home from work - after making a stop at Homestead Feed - to find that TWO sets of twins had just been born. Matt had penned them up right where they gave birth. We rushed off to downtown Brookfield to vote on this very foggy and very exciting night. How thrilling to vote for a WOMAN for president. We haven't even had the vote for a hundred years yet and here we are with a female contender. OH, she's just SO capable and so ready - oh, please, please, please! The voting ladies were all ready for us in the little cinder block town hall, joking about how I am a registered Dem and Matt is a registered, well, we won't even talk about THAT! I had my camera in my coat pocket from snapping the new moms so I took some quick shots of our very first voting in Brookfield, New York, United States of America.


  1. Anonymous10:22 PM

    With you having family in the military I cannot believe you would vote for Hillary Clinton. She HATES our military. My husband works at the Pentagon and Hillary has a short fuse and is always throwing things at people that tick her off and is always making some snide remark about our hard working military. God help us all of she gets elected because we will be screwed.

  2. Not only would my mother vote for Hillary Clinton, having family in the military, but I, being family of my mother, will vote for Hillary Clinton, if she is the nominee of my party (Democratic Party). Casting aspersions on her, after having been "screwed" by our current President, is pretty presumptuous. I cannot speak on the extent that President Bush actually cares about the military. However, if his policies that endorse endless war, acceptable lack of health care for soldiers (and anyone else for that matter), and his completely reckless and idiotic foreign policy, indicate how much he cares, then he does not. We will certainly need the help of the Lord whoever gets elected.


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