Monday, February 04, 2008

Warm Wet Weary

The weather is on the warm side - 32 tonight, up to 50 tomorrow. That's when pneumonia hits. We are better off with cold, clear weather. My barn is big and open, but all the sheep inside with babies on the wet hay - not good. I will hope for the best. I just spent a couple of hours filling all the water buckets in the jugs, giving bottles to the three I am concerned about, taking care of the hay mow kitties, chickens and rabbits. Jan sent me two more sweaters and I put them on lambs who grew out of their little sweaters. Two births this morning before I went to work. Ran out of jugs and put one mom and babe in the dog pen I had in the barn for the White Boys. She doesn't mind it a bit. The sheep stand all around her and try to stick their tongues through and get her hay. Back inside, Buddy, Benny and Betty (who Matt calls Tinkerbell) are doing fantastically. Bottle babies are very tricky. They can do just fine but go down when you are weaning them. Have to be very careful. Super Tuesday tomorrow. Oh, Hillary, hang on. I pray she wins. She'll be a great president. Not "Barack!" Oh, please no. I just can't see it. I would much rather have Bill in the back seat than Michelle Obama. I think she beats Barack with a stick at night when they get home. Hillary is so classy. Just look at her - after all this campaigning she looks as fresh as she did the first week. I would be dead - I am dead anyway from lambing and stress...but she has a hairdresser and all those great clothes. I want a woman in the White House - not a black man, not any man!!!

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