Friday, January 04, 2008

What's on the Machine?

Sewing every night...found a bit more of this mossy green tapestry chenille. Only got three bags out of the piece I had and Gretchen's mother bought one to give her daughter for Christmas. Love the striped lining. Leslie, my Fairy Web Mother, will be putting a bunch of bags on the site for me. We seem to be coming out of the cold snap. Went to 8 below here, not a record for me. Temperature on the way up to fifties on Monday they say. Only worked three days at school this week, but feels like an eternity. Now we try to hang on for February break.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautiful! You do lovely work.

    Must be one of my helpers who is doing your Web-work. (if Santa can have them in all the malls, why can't I?) :)

    I've enjoyed visiting your blog, today!

    The REAL Fairywebmother *wink*


Thanks for stopping by! I appreciate your input!