Thursday, January 03, 2008

Minus 6

Somehow the cold makes the stars brighter, the snow shinier, and everyone more thirsty and hungry. Minus 6 F. on the milk room steps out of the wind. No lambs last night, thankfully. I tried to get Matt (Mr. 90 Degrees No Lambs) to get up and check for births but no go. So I pulled on the ski underwear Mia gave us (bless her heart) and went out there. Fortunately I don't have to kick the frozen trailer door open and pee in the snow this year. By this time last winter the port-o-potty people had taken away my plastic hut. It was almost better that way, the plastic seat was a bit of a shock. Now I have my warm bathroom with the baseboard heater. What a difference a year makes...but the money I should have spent on stockpiling hay went for this apartment. The guilt is enormous. I don't want to cry and whine for another winter on this journal. I read a year old email to a shepherd friend and it sounded so pathetic I hit the delete button rather than wallow through it. Matt spent some time at the unemployment office yesterday and got a list of carpentry jobs. Trouble is every carpenter who can swing a hammer is looking for work right now. Speaking of work, I better get my butt off to my job.

1 comment:

  1. Ohhh my....that is so cold. I couldn't do it. That is just too cold for me. I hope you and your animals can stay warm and dry. I saw that picture and suddenly I felt guilty feeling cold in the 40's at night in AZ....Chris


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