Saturday, January 05, 2008

Warming Up

Weather sunny and pleasant today. Supposed to get up to the 50's on Monday. Might let the sheep out to graze, although there is nothing to eat on the ground. I just like them to get out of the barn and exercise. It's good for the pregnant ewes to run around a bit - helps the lambs get in the right position for birthing. Maybe I won't have to pull any out this year! Went to get hay from Mr. Clair Maxson, just four miles from me. He bought his farm in 1929 for $2,800. Flat fields that go on forever and a cute little farmhouse. He tells me people have been stopping by trying to buy the hay promised to me. I'm not surprised. He will keep it for me and I will pick up some every week, God willling. Mr. Maxson is 90 plus, I think, and lives on the farm with three mentally handicapped gentlemen who he refers to as "The Boys." In summer they raise lots of vegetables which they sell in their roadside stand. I often thought, gee, they have lots of help on that farm. Now I know it's The Boys who are bottoms up in the fields all the time. What a great life for people who might otherwise be living in some institution somewhere. Came home to find Holly chewing on another deer leg. The dogs have been bringing home parts of it all week. Matt is going to Utica to meet a NYC landlord who has apartments there. He needs some small repairs done. Lots of applications have gone out, no replies. Matt was in the Brookfield General Store this morning where they were all talking about a local man who walked out on his wife and kids and disappeared. Hard times can do strange and terrible things to people. It's tough not being able to provide for your family. Speaking of providing for my flock - I better get to sewing.

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