Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Pitter Patter of Little Hoofs

The barn is alive with lambs, and now goat kids coming. Buddy, Benny and Betty are doing fine. Betty hardly weighs a thing and I don't know how she is alive, but she's tip-toeing around and doing little hops in the air. Does my heart good. After a day like today I could use it. I asked the auto tech guys to look at my truck to try and fix the heat. With no heat there is no way of melting the snow and ice on my windshield and the truck is not driveable. I handed over the keys on the way into the building. After lunch the teacher came to get me. A student was driving my truck into the garage and cut the turn too tight. My right side is bashed in. The kid was hiding somewhere in the school. On top of that, they couldn't fix the heat. Now I have a wrecked truck with no heat. Tomorrow I will find the kid no matter where he is hiding. The stars and planets are stunning tonight and it's just the right temperature - about 20 F. Lambs and kids won't freeze too quickly. Breeze is still outside, which I understand because he likes it there, but I want him in the barn. He hates to be petted, so I started petting his ears, head and neck. He started pulling himself away from me, in the direction of the barn which I wanted, then stopped. I tried lifting up his rear then he did something he's never done - he showered me with spit! I decided to leave him alone. He got his Banamine tonight and I pray it gives him some relief. We'll call Dr. Rachel tomorrow.


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