Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Baby Run Over

As Matt was going to bed after the night shift he told me to let the flock out before I leave. We had the fence panel up over the East End door so that nobody would go outside to give birth in the wet and cold. I got my bath ready, got my jeans out of the dryer, etc., then went out to say hello/goodbye to my babies and let the flock out to play. I slide the panel aside and the thundering horde ran out in front of me. I looked down and gasped when I saw a tiny goat kid right in front of me, trampled by the mob. How could I not have seen it???? I scooped it up and held it to my chest. Poor thing was wet, cold and flattened, but still alive. I knew there must be a mom nearby, as goat moms do not abandon their kids. Sure enough, she ran back in the barn, confused and calling for her baby. I tried to grab a horn, but she was too quick. I decided to take care of the kid first. Do I wake up Matt? I had to leave for work...I had about ten minutes. Ran back in the apt. to get my newborn kit and heard Matt snoring loudly from the spare bedroom. I frankly didn't want to wake the sleeping dragon and deal with his stuff. Ran back and laid the kid down in a jug, did his cord, put a sweater on. I still couldn't catch Mom who was on the other side of the barn, standing next to the spot where I found the baby, calling for him. She freaked and ran away again. I decided to get some colostrum from the mom who gave birth yesterday. Goats don't like their teats fiddled with, even less than sheep. Fortunately they are smaller and have horns (handles) and this one was captured. I pulled her baby off her teat, straddled her back and held my cup under her teat. I nursed her out while keeping her still with my thighs. Got about a quarter cup and gave it to the newborn who was flat out on the hay. Goat kids don't take milk squirted down their throats as well as lambs. They gargle, cough and protest while trying to spit out every precious drop. I was determined and made him take it. Went to look for Mom again and somehow caught her, then dragged her to her baby. Locked them in then ran to get ready for work. As I went out the door to my truck with no heat, I saw Mom lapping up the warm molasses water I gave her, a good picture for me to take with me. I'll call Matt in a couple of hours to make sure he knows he has a new charge in the maternity ward.

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