Thursday, January 31, 2008

Another Ram Lamb

24 hours of watching and waiting brought another ram lamb into the farm family. He's a big strapping boy and doing fine. Matt was on night duty and let Prudence and Patience out of their pen to put this pair in. I was nervous about letting them go, but it was done and they seem to be fine. I just came in from chores, which take longer now with five lambing pens that need water seperate from the stock tanks. It gives me time to be with the flock and I can watch what's going on with them while I work. I did tail and scrotum docking on two pair of twins so I can let them go if I need pens during the night. I'm on night duty tonight, which means staying on the sofa and going out into the barn every two or three hours. Many of the resting sheep have little ears and eyes peaking out from under them. Snow and sleet expected tomorrow.

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