Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Sooooo Cold!

8 F. when I got home from work, must be a LOT colder now. Stock tanks freezing over in the outer barn. The wind is blowing and we decided to bring Finn and Knut in the barn. When the weather is really bad they bark and bark at the barn (they know we are in here with the sheep and want to be in here, too.) They're such good boys. They brought home a coyote skin the other day and were so proud of themselves. Back to work today.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:57 PM


    We are no way that cold! Supposed to be in the teens with 30mph winds tonight. Sounds kinda whoosy compared to you. Give the white boys hugs and kisses. And where do dogs find coyote hide?


    :% jan


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