Wednesday, January 30, 2008

First Goat Kid

My first goat kid was mewing outside behind the round bales in the dark. Breeze was straining to get up and check on the baby. I got behind him and pulled/pushed with all my might. He jumped up, walked a few steps to take a look - llamas LOVE new babies - and down he went. I focused on the baby as my heart was breaking for my big white ANGEL who is so sick. Mom was right there with her baby but I discovered, to my horror, that her foot was tangled up in baling twine. She couldn't have come into the barn to give birth if she wanted to. This twine issue is extremely annoying. I'll have to cut if off when the bale comes in. New goatie baby is just fine, a good size buck kid - a miniature Tommy Boy. Mom adores him. I have a few small goat sweaters...good thing considering cold and wind is coming back. Patience tried to jump on Prudence's back to sleep and mom didn't like it. She's still getting comfortable with her Mommy role. Off to work.

1 comment:

  1. Maggie i'm so happy for you them goats are adorable thank god you were there for the mom.


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