Tuesday, November 06, 2007

What Time Is It?

Okay, the time change has me all messed up. I went to bed last night at 10, too tired to stay up any longer. Opened my eyes at 4:45 and tried to go back to sleep. A kitty who managed to get into the apt. was playing with the cord to my sewing machine, right next to the bedroom wall, making a knocking sound. The dogs knew what it was and didn't bark but it made me listen and wonder, then I was awake. I don't have much luck going back to sleep, never have. I heard rain and wind outside. The apt. is very tight, almost too tight. Sometimes I find myself opening the window for air. Matt says he "over engineered" the apt. for heat, which will come in handy in January. For now, however, I am not enjoying a blast of heat hitting me whenever I come in from the barn. The new windows don't allow for any leaks, and the walls are filled with vapor barriers and insulation. A thousand bales of hay on top of us keep any heat from rising out from the ceiling. He likes to be toasty warm with a tee shirt on, at about 75 F. I told him he might be explaining that to the judge after I attack him with a kitchen knife. I must still be acclimatized to the trailer I lived in last winter because I am comfortable at 60 F. in the apt. with a sweatshirt on. Any higher than that my Swedish blood boils. My work room, which is the buffer zone between the apt. and the animals, has no heat yet, but Matt and Dave have it insulated and rocked and it feels as well constructed as the apt. I will simply have to open the door to the apt. and the blast of heat will fill my work room. There is still a lot of work to do with that room...taping and spackling, painting and a floor. I have nice armoires in the tractor shed which will hold all my fabric and notions. I also have a chest freezer which will be so very handy to have close to the kitchen, filled with lots of little frozen meals I can pop in the oven without too much trouble. Okay, it's six o'clock. I'll go wander around the barn and check on the sheep and goats. Sure looks to me like some of them are bred, but it's more likely fat bellies from good, green grass. Fat and happy - works for me.

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