Monday, November 05, 2007

Hannah's Bag

Hannah sent me some fabric and asked me to make her a bag. It's adorable fabric and I found the perfect lining for it. I made it yesterday when I wanted to take my mind off other things, and it worked. The bag came out just right and I had so much fun sewing it. I can't wait to see her carrying it. I think she said she needed it to carry her CD player, and I put lots of pockets in the bag to help her stay organized. I won't see Hannah until Christmas. Her daddy sent me an email ticket so I will be taking off to Las Vegas on Christmas Eve. Matt is staying behind to mind the Farm and hold down the sofa...both very important jobs!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:31 PM

    I am in love with that Bag. Your Hannah is lucky to have such a loving and talented Grandma.

    That bag is superfabulous!!!!!


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