Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Another Observation Down

You would think I would be a little less nervous about being observed in the classroom, as old as I am and the fact that I've been doing this a few years now...But no, I was a wreck until it was over. My boss is terrific and we get along great, but I hate it. Denise was great about working with me and letting me do something comfortable for my supervisor to watch. My job does not necessarily involve teaching, it's more of a supportive role, but the powers that be want me to be more involved in teaching. Anyway, it went just fine, the kids were great and responsive and my review of yesterday's lesson slid right into Denise's part, etc. Nobody started telling gorry hunting stories to their neighbor, or ask to go to the rest room and not come back, etc. etc. My followup interview was favorable and I went home happy. Now I have to worry about taking all the tests required for permanent certification in NY. I have to take the Social Studies content knowledge test, Learning Disabilities content knowledge test, a liberal arts and sciences proficiency test, and complete a three inch thick portfolio. Oh, Lord, please save me. I am rather resentful about doing it again...especially the portfolio. I asked Denise how much she would take to do it for me and she just laughed. I said come on, everyone has their price! As for the tests, I took them ten years ago and did just fine...but after Lyme Disease which rotted my brain, and change of life that made me a forgetful lunatic, who knows how I will do? I have two years to do all this, so I figure I have a job for at least another two years. If I do fail, maybe they will let me take them again (for hundreds of dollars I bet) and that will buy me more time. I am going to try and go the distance. I would like to have this job for another 20 years, then I will truly be the old lady of the staff. Gretchen would be 46, Denise would be 46, Laurie would be 60ish, Ted would be 57. What a hoot!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:19 AM

    You can do it "old lady". You are wise beyond the years of those fools that write the tests! Have no fear, and hopefully, I'll be there to help you with that 3 inch portfolio ------ right up my alley. Gee, maybe there's a career there? For $$, help teachers do their portfolio?

    And those adorable calicos! You need to make copies of that pic and have for Delaware Riverkeeper!

    Hang in there, at least you know you have a job and LOVELY co-workers!



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