Thursday, November 22, 2007

Thankful For My Friend

Jan deserves a post all her own. How lucky I am to have a friend whose love for me was so great she convinced her reluctant husband to sell their New Jersey palace and move to the wilds of Brookfield, New York! She worries about me and does every little thing she can think of to make my life easier. She never criticizes my off beat life style and thinks of ways to get me more organized (a Herculean task). She brings me gadgets and goodies whenever she comes to visit. Her SUV is always filled with gifts for me and my critters...AND she never tells me I have too many cats!! That's because she understands me and loves me for who I am. I am truly blessed to call her my friend. Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Janipat!


  1. Anonymous8:01 PM

    hi sweety

    What a delight to have you write a spot just for me! You never cease to amaze me! But could you at least have found a picture of someone who looked better that me? Or a better picture of me? I look pickled ...... Oh well, I am what I am, someone who absolutely considers you my soul-sister that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.

    May this Thanksgiving find you surrounded by those who love you.

    hugs and kisses,

    :) jan

  2. mommie, thank you for teaching us what thanksgiving is all about! we mean that with all of our hearts! how is the sky there? the moon is amazing here and i wish we were all sitting around a bonfire at the farm!


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