Friday, November 23, 2007

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Oh, yes, we are cold aren't we? The morning news is showing lines of people in front of stores. No, thanks, not for me. A storm rolled in from the northwest yesterday afternoon. The cold went right through my sweater. Almost went back in the house to put on Mia's high tech Austrian ski underwear she gave me. The weather is very dramatic around here, with systems coming in from the Great Lakes and tunneling through this valley. I love it, now that I have a warm apt. to hunker down in. I wish my internal thermostat was steadier. Every once in a while I feel like someone has thrown a hot, wet towel over me and I have to pull off my sweater. I was hoping I would be over that by now and I would find some kind of hormonal equilibrium but it's not happening. I'm hoping that with a healthier, meatless diet I'll feel better. I pulled a muscle in my right upper arm lifting feed sacks and it's hurts to do anything now. I can't sleep with my head on my upstretched arm, which is annoying. I have another four bags cut out of some beautiful fabric I had stashed in the chest freezer in the tractor shed. Oh, this is nice. One big snap frame bag and four little snap frame bags. Now that I've given six bags to the Earlville Opera House I have to hustle to get more made. I'll be busy today with cutting up lavender soap, sewing bags, cleaning the apt. to get ready for AJ, and the endless chores. I'm almost afraid to go out into the barn to check the bunny bottles. They are probably frozen...I don't want to face it! Michelle Obama is on TV saying black America should wake up and vote for Barack. If they wouldn't vote for Jesse Jackson, I don't see them voting for Obama. This will be a very interesting election. I confess I have a mental picture of a female president that is very appealing to me. Can you imagine a globe trotting Bill Clinton as Secretary of State, schmoozing with heads of state, making deals, building relationships that would benefit the US? Kind of like a modern day Ben Franklin - the ladies were crazy about him, too.

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