Thursday, November 22, 2007

I Am Thankful on Thanksgiving

I am thankful for:

Eric, AJ, Mia, Annie, Sean, Hannah, Luke, Matt, Dingy, Melinda, Emma and Charlotte
My Farm and the surrounding beauty of the land
My doggies and kitties
My sheep, goats, bunnies and chickens
Heat, hot water, my bed and the roof over my head
My job
My co-workers
My heritage
My wheels and the joy of spinning
My sewing machine so I can make my bags and curtains for Mia's new apt.
My health and good food to eat so I can keep it that way.
A democratic, representative government that withstands abuse from within and without
The planet Earth, without which none of the above could be possible - God Bless Her!

Let's turn off a light, drive less, plant a garden, stop a leak, turn down the thermostat and put on a hand knitted wool sweater, write a letter, eat a meatless meal, get a cat or dog fixed, the list goes on and on. Be thankful and happy!


  1. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Amen ......


  2. mommie!!! i promise i'll update my blog today.. you're right.. so much to be thankful for! we love you and miss you!


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