Monday, November 26, 2007

Rain, Rain, Rain

Woke up to an inch of snow that had turned to rain...and it's still raining at 11 pm. The roof over the milk room needs repair and it's dripping on my stuff and my poor kitties who like to live in there. I keep telling them to go into the dry barn but they like the creepy dampness. Maybe there are bugs in there that I can't see but they can. Long range plans (I seem to have a lot of them) include fixing that room up to a first class soap and dye studio...fantasies are free, right? I have so much to do for this weekend and I am exhausted. Two bags on the machine, soap cooking in the milk room. The shaving blocks are made of cut up odds and ends of various soaps melted in a big pot, with clove oil added shortly before I pour into the top of a copy paper box. It requires lots of stirring and chopping and takes about two days to get it melted. The blocks are a good seller and I have the shaving brushes so I am going to get it done, one way or another. I should have enough product, but it takes so much out of me. Show season is over, but I hope to have some internet sales. With every crafter and her sister and brother selling their wares online, competition is tough. I do just fine when people see my stuff in person, but online is another story. I'll keep plugging away. Off to stir the soap in the pot...

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