Monday, November 26, 2007

Back to Work

Woke up missing my kids like crazy...but feeling good 'cause I had the second night in a row of uninterrupted sleep. Is the meatless lifestyle or just the contented feeling of having my babies under the same roof with me? Maybe the kitchen cabinets sitting in the kitchen area, finally after all these years? I am using the countertops already, placed on top of the boxes. What will I do with all this counter space? Watch me! Back to work today...once I get there - the hardest part - I am happy to see all my friends. I wonder what that monkeyface Gretchen has been doing all weekend. I want to fix her up with my AJ but 3,000 miles is getting in the way.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous7:30 PM

    I love the Colgate Bookstore! Your pic is wicked cute. I never even see that bench when i'm there and you always have cute pictures there!


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