Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cold, Snowy Wind

A cold front came in tonight. The kitties are huddled together in their mohair/angora boxes and I am snug and warm inside. Had to remind myself that this time last year my port-o-potty was taken away and things got a little rough around the trailer. Matt was working in NJ and I had a camp potty in the milk room...a little warmer than the port-o-potty, but it meant leaving the warmth of the trailer and walking across the driveway to the milk room. Most of the time I just ran around in back of the trailer. Now I have the Royal Throne with the baseboard heater next to it. Ah, what a difference a year makes. Talked to Mia, she is allowed to go back to work on Thursday - good news. AJ is going back to California tomorrow. I got two bags finished today, oh, they are gorgeous, and am now fooling around with hand creme. If only I could make two batches come out the same. If I microwave the borax with the beeswax it melts fine. Why didn't I try that before? Microwaving with water still left grittiness, and customers don't like it. I like the grittiness as an exfoliant but that's me. Jan wants her creme unscented...can you believe she doesn't want lavender oil in her hand creme? She said when she used it in the high school special ed. department people complained about the smell. Don't that beat all! Fine with me, I'll save the lavender oil for soap. A student of mine made me a fantastic llama sock label today. I love it. Breeze is the model. Speaking of Breeze, he and his brother are on the loose again. Good thing they are in full coat, it's getting real cold tonight. Matt has been doing most of the chores so I could spend more time with my kids, then getting ready for this weekend. I had AJ helping me on Saturday night, and he said, "You mean, you do this every night????!!!" I sure do. Matt is real tired, sick and achy. He is working alone after having two full time carpenters working for him for five years in NJ. He misses them and hates doing everything himself. It's very tiring doing hard labor all day, then helping me at night nearly pushes him over the edge. He complains bitterly and says he wants to go on a wind-surfing vacation, or to San Francisco to visit Sean. Wish I could afford to send him, and hire a BOCE kid who would be thrilled to make $8 an hour and have a smile on his face the whole time. How refreshing...

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