Monday, November 05, 2007

Less Than 1%

The recent Farm Bureau magazine says that we should talk about our farming life because less than 1% of Americans farm now. I can understand it. Who in their right mind would take on all this hideous, dangerous work in the worst of weather and pay ridiculous amounts of money for expensive equipment with no hope of a return on your investment? What drives me to pursue this lifestyle? I can think of more reasons not to farm than to farm, and maybe when I don't have to do some chores and find some clean clothes to get ready for work I will go into it in a little more detail...but for now I will simply say it keeps me outside. I love to be outside. I just came in from locking the White Boys up (they took off last night in the dark) and the crescent moon, next to a huge planet (have to find out which one) with first light coming up over the ridge...well, I would miss all that if I was lying in my bed. And, quite simply, critters - with all their personality quirks - are a lot easier to get along with than humans!

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