Saturday, November 24, 2007

Kitchen Cabinets

We travelled to Lowe's in Utica in driving snow last night to pick up my kitchen cabinets. Ah, the kitchen - so much a part of a woman's identity. I've spent most of my life standing over a stove and a sink. I could have earned a PhD and written severals books with the time I have spent slinging hash for my family. But they are big and strong and enjoying life, so it was time well spent. I always wonder which one of my students are going home to a family meal at night. Society would be a better place for it. I worked with a woman who has seven children. I asked her how she managed to get dinner on the table for nine people at one time. She said she didn't even try, and that dinner was catch as catch can. There were all kinds of problems in the family. I only had three to worry about, but I was the only girl in my family and the Christmases and Thanksgivings were often at my house. Wow, did I cook. And I always longed for a new kitchen. When The Prince of Darkness and I bought our house in Morristown it needed a new kitchen and he promised me one. Then he spent the money on a $30,000 testicular doppler machine. No wonder the marriage went down hill. He didn't come home much for dinner so I guess it wasn't a priority. Fast forward 27 years and I am finally getting a new kitchen that I picked out myself...okay, they are stock cabinets with formica countertops and very basic appliances, but after a year and a half with no kitchen at all, it's heaven. We stopped at Barnes and Noble so I could look for the new Spin-Off but they didn't have it. I was pleased to find a British Country Living. AJ bought me a subscription but it's run out and I've missed it. They even had a Fine Homebuilding for Matt. I found an article about a woman who takes sheep headed for slaughter and lets' them live out their lives in a sanctuary. To make $$ to support them she's started a clothing line with their wool. How brilliant! Look her up at I have a few boys living harmoniously in the boy's pen behind the barn, and they will stay there until I can get the vet here to neuter them. It should be done this time of year when there are no flies to get on the surgical site. And they will give me luscious wool until they die a natural death.

1 comment:

  1. Eeek! My own kitchen is styled by whomever had scrap lumber to make the cupboards from. Gads...Maybe one day I'll have the money to pick out cupboards that I like. These will do in the meantime, but yes, I'd like my kitchen to reflect me more than the contractor's "quick get it done" job.


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