Friday, October 12, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Is it really Friday? The week went on forever but here we are. Cold and wet, have to wear coats and boots around the farm. Ran errands after work, Wal-Mart, La Maison Blanc and Tractor Supply. I redeemed Gretchen and Laurie's gift certificates (thank you friends!)at the bakery and Tractor Supply. I bought mini quiches and spinach croissants for dinner, plus goodies for dessert and the double cappucino that was to get me home. Hmmmmm, good. Chicken feed, bunny feed, cat and dog food at TR. Once home took the doggies to the pond. Bodie jumped in the pond without hesitation...must have been cold! Kitties in the barn are huddled together for warmth. I'll be moving the White Boys into the barn for the winter. They have igloos but I don't want them covered with snow. I'm finishing one bag and making buttons tonight. I have some lovely bags and no buttons to put on them! Tomorrow I'll be sewing and getting ready to make hand creme all day Sunday.

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