Thursday, October 11, 2007

Cold and Rainy

Cold and rainy today. Very fallish, and a reminder of what's to come. Left work late due to a meeting, had to stop at the market, then it was getting dark when I got home. Pulled on wool socks and boots and Carhardt vest. Got the dogs out, sheep out, and let the White Boys loose to run around a while. No walk to the pond tonight. I feel like a heel but after feeding they are not complaining too much. It feels like the barn apt. is going to be tight and warm. Have electric baseboard heat all around, including next to the throne in the bathroom. The Tractor Supply stove is not operational yet. We need two sections of smoke stack added on to the chimney outside. I am a peasant at heart and need the flame and smell of smoke to warm my heart and my bones. No fire all last winter in the trailer, ofcourse, and I plan to make up for it this winter. Problem is seasoned wood. The pig farmer sells wood and wants to trade wood for my old trailer (good riddance) but I am afraid it will be green. He can't cut enough for his customers which means he is selling it green. I'll find wood somewhere. A pot of soup on the stove, my critters safe and dry in the barn, and a warm fire with my spinning wheel in front...what could be better. I just have to get through Rhinebeck, then a month off before Delaware River Keeper in New Jersey to make more product. I need more windows for the barn, more hay feeders, hoses, a door on the far end, another thousand bales - it never ends. With good health and my job...I should be okay.

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