Saturday, October 13, 2007

Chilly Saturday Morning

How exhilarating to run outside in my nightie and momentarily freeze, then run back into a warm house. I think staying in my nightie is the height of luxury and decadence. I love to do chores in pajamas, but my farm is the object of curiousity seekers and just plain nosey people. So I will get dressed and see what the day brings. I will work, work, work on product all day and into the wee hours. My buttons came out just fine - perhaps not the most artistic I've made, but they look like big funky Bundaflicka buttons. Didn't turn off the oven until 1 am. I did get to watch Bill Mahre from start to finish, after a real good Denzel Washington movie, Dejavu. Bill M. asks so many of the questions that run through my why Republicans complain about spending money on poor children's health insurance but not the 9 BILLION dollars that have gone down the drain in that quagmire of fraud and corruption, IRAQ. I don't really "watch" anything...I listen to it and get glimpses of it while sewing, etc. But when I'm spinning, I really get to concentrate on a movie. Very enjoyable...It's the first day of hunting season and I don't have my signs up yet. They were pulled down last year by someone who obviously thought the new owner (me) would not mind him blasting away at wildlife on my land. Think again! This is when I wish I had a horse to ride around my land, policing the area. I have the White Boys to tell me whenever someone is around. They can see up to the tip of the hill, but not over it, so I will have to go up there. I have to admit, there is not as much shooting here as there was in western New Jersey, or eastern Pa. It was like a war zone there. Did I tell you about the bullet hole in my bird feeder?????? I was afraid to stand in the window at the kitchen sink and do dishes! Once I saw an orange hat walking along the fence, right behind the sheep pen. I went outside and called to the "hunter" that this is private property, etc. The dogs took this as a cue to go after the guy. What a wild race ensued, with me running after the dogs and the hunter running away from them. I was terrified he would turn and shoot the dogs. Bringing up the rear was Matt, calling to the hunter that he could hunt on such and such land over there (he has always been sympathetic to hunters.) Up here in Central New York, there is so much land to hunt and the local stores and restaurants cater to them. But they better stay away from MY land!

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