Thursday, August 09, 2007

Visit with Jan and Dave

We had a lovely visit with Jan and Dave, walking around lush and beautiful fields around Brookfield and talking about what our dream house would look like. Jan brought me a box of goodies, which is so typical of Jan. She is so thoughtful and always thinking of things I could use or would like. I had been thinking about reading at least one book this summer and couldn't find one that tickled my fancy. Jan brought me three that I know I will enjoy. One of them is even about sheep! It's called Three Bags Full by Leonie Swann, a German writer. The story is told by the sheep, who set out to find who murdered their shepherd! Can you stand it? I will start it tonight! The other two are books about real life hauntings. Jan and I share an interest in the spirit world. Living here alone over last winter had me looking over my shoulder a little too often in the dark, spooky hay mow. I would always try to get my chores done before dark so I could hunker down in the trailer with the dogs. I didn't dare read spooky books then, but now I will enjoy them immensely! After our walks around Brookfield we went to our local restaurant, the Beaver Den. Jan and Dave headed home with green fields and possibilities on their minds.


  1. Anonymous7:16 PM

    Dude, I totally ordered that book (sheep) for your birthday maggie! I read the description and thought of you. Non-issue, great minds think alike...i can read it for my self now!!! So exciting! Let me know what you think!

  2. YOU are the cat's meow, Gretchen!


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