Friday, August 10, 2007

Hot Buns

August is a good time to get that angora off the Bunners. This shy doe does not want to smile for the camera. For some reason, I always shear my bunnies in the living room on a comfy chair in front of the TV. Then we have time to relax together before I bring them back to their cages. Angora is one of my favorite fibers. It comes off the bunny perfectly clean and goes right in the dyepot. Not too many animals fibers require no preparation. Angora soaks up the dye fantastically and washes squeaky clean afterwards with no problem. A little angora to a wool or wool/mohair blend is heavenly. I call my roving "Mother Fiber" because it is always mostly wool, as "Wool is the Mother of All Fibers," but angora is the close second. A German angora gives a huge amount of wool and is so easy to keep. It doesn't require fencing or vaccinations. A little black oil sunflower seed in the feed keeps wool block away. I love my bunnies and haven't really given them enough credit in this journal. I hope to have my insulated bunny barn room done before their bottles freeze this can only hope.

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