Thursday, August 09, 2007

Jan is Coming

My dearest friend Jan and her husband are on the way here to look at some land. They are seriously considering moving up here if they can sell The Million Dollar Palace. Jan totally understands me and is very amused by my wild fiber artist willy-nilly life style, but Dave is the fastidious type-A control freak. Everything has it's place and in my world hardly anything has a place. I am working on it, honest, but I just got my first chest of drawers in a year and I haven't even picked out a drawer for my underwear yet. I have to meditate on it and find the Feng-Shui in my bedroom before I can stake out some drawers. I know, excuses, excuses. Matt is the ultimate blue-collar husband who wants a wife who will a) cook like a pro b)keep the kitchen floor surgically clean and c) be hell-on-wheels in the bedroom. Oh,let me add letter d) bring home a big fat pay check. He has a bad habit of leaving for work with the dogs loose. This forces me to get out of bed and get dressed. I am always fearful of some kind of catastrophe requiring my presence (dogs run over by cars, attacking Sister's cat, whatever) and I will be braless. My worst fear is having to face a calamitous situation without my brassier on. My bra is my body armour. The Sports Bra was the greatest invention for me - I am ready for anything! So here I am dressed (with sports bra in place) and trying to clean up a bit. How can I produce all these wonderful things I produce to sell without making a mess? I was teaching in a classy summer program in Morristown years ago and had a big quilting class. There was always a waiting list for my class. We had two big rooms combined and there was fabric everywhere. I remember once stopping dead in my tracks when I noticed the director and the superintendent of schools standing in my door with their mouths open. The room was buzzing with activity, girls and boys cutting and running those sewing machines. Some were lying on the floor taking a break on the pillows they made. But what a mess. They walked away and I thought there goes my job. But guess what? The director started bringing guests to my room all the time. There was something wonderful going on there. The other classes looked boring compared to mine. I said to her, remember, the creative mind is seldom a tidy place! She nodded and smiled...

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