Friday, August 10, 2007

Beaver Creek Buttons

Jan has started a button business. She calls it Beaver Creek Buttons and they are absolutely adorable. That girl is so talented. The presentation of her buttons is beautiful. I will display them at my booth at future shows. Yesterday we were in the creek wading around sifting through the bottom, looking for clay to make buttons (I know, kinky idea - that's why she loves me) but the creek bed is loose rock and gravelly. Enter polymer clay! Jan chose colors to compliment my rovings, another terrific idea. That girl is amazing...


  1. that's so cool! what a dynamic duo!!!

  2. I love the llama buttons! They are so cute! I could just about fall over.

  3. Anonymous5:13 PM

    maggie their is clay in the Canasawacta creek in Norwich...should you ever want to go dig some. I remember doing it in elementary school because the creek was behind my school. Fun be had!


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