Saturday, August 18, 2007

Cool, Cloudy Saturday

On the way out the door to the Farmer's Market, I bumped into Chris Kupris, and asked him why he never told me about his meeting with Lydia, the first owner of my farm. He explained that one has to be careful about sharing that kind of experience with those who might think he's crazy, etc., and he's not sure how Lydia would like her appearance reported to others. Chris added some details to Sister Bernadette's rendition of the story. Chris turned around from his computer to see a woman, dressed for bed in a red nightgown and white cap, sitting in her bed. Chris's bed happens to be in the same spot as Lydia's bed, apparently. It was interesting and somehow validating to hear Chris telling the story himself. There was a suicide by hanging in the barn years ago, he told me. Oh great, I thought. My barn was built in 1930, after the original barn burned down...but still, a hanging is a hanging. Jan and I were in a hurry, but we thanked him for chatting with us. The clouds turned to rain and we decided not to set up at the market. Another Saturday missed...but Jan said she didn't think we would sell anything anyway, and thought we should save our energy to go home and get things done. One nice project Jan insisted on was to straighten out my "kitchen." I don't have cabinets, just a stove, refrigerator and a folding table. Jan bought me a red stacking grid, which helps organize my pots and pans. She put it all together while I was out in the milkroom making soap. What a lovely surprise to come back inside to find this nifty arrangement! Jan then made a pot of delicious spaghetti sauce, which we will enjoy after we let the dogs go and hike up to the pond. The clouds blew away and the day turned sunny and beautiful. Hot again next week, so we'll enjoy it now.

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