Saturday, August 18, 2007

Getting Fat on Grass

The sheep are looking wonderfully healthy and robust on grass only. Oh, if only it would last. The grass is there on the ground and they graze and graze. When I bring them in at night their bellies are bulging from all the grass and forage they eat. The wool is growing back nicely. Randy will come next weekend and we will get them together for worming. The lambs and kids need another vaccination booster and I will trim the goat hooves. We will seperate the boys from the girls. I don't want any January lambs this year. Last winter was ridiculous, and since I don't sell lambs for Easter dinner, I don't have to breed early. I have some older girls I want to retire, and a couple who had mastitis last year. I also have a purebred BFL who prolapsed. Don't want to breed her again, either. The 2007 lambs are really beautiful and I'm very pleased. Some of my hard work paid off...

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