Friday, August 17, 2007

An Enlightening Day

After coffee and conversation with the doggies, Jan and I set off for Wal-Mart. She decided I needed an organizer for the folding table which acts as my kitchen counters for the time being. Some kind of cabinet or shelf unit that I could put my few kitchen dishes, pots and other necessary items on. Jan always looks for ways to make my life easier and more pleasant. Don't worry, she said, and assured me that she keeps a running tab like more nights in my barnhouse guest room with the doggies. No problem for me. We set out to town, Jan driving and me knitting. We got what we needed and wanted from Wal-Mart and stopped at my favorite lunch stop, Le Maison Blanche, next to Wal-Mart. The owner of this patiserrie has a bakery in Manhattan. She had a vacation spot here in Central New York and decided to open up a second bakery here. I had smoked salmon, Jan had chicken, and we picked a delicious chocolate dessert to have later with dinner. On the way home we stopped at the cottage Matt is renovating for a man from Westchester County. It's an adorable little place that is what we call a, "Matt Redmond Special." Once Matt gets through with it, it will be absolutely adorable. I got a chance to see what Matt has described as "Guido Tile." I liked it just fine. Once home, Jan and unloaded our goodies, took the dogs out, then went to the Sisters garden to get some vegetables to make our Corn Chowder with. I took over a block of my Eucalyptus, Tea Tree and Lavender soap, which she was thrilled to get. When I introduced Jan to Sister Bernadette, I told her I was showing Jan around the farm and fields. Sister Bernadette then made a statement that had us staring at each other with wide eyes. She said, "Have you seen Lydia?" Now Lydia is Lydia Burkhyte, the wife of Elisha Burkhyte, the founding farmers of this farm. Sister told us "Lydia Rose" wanders the farm and watches the goings on. If she approves of what we are doing, and thinks we are taking good care of the farm, she shows her approval. If not, she becomes angry. Sister told us that her brother Chris was sitting at his computer in the upstairs bedroom. He turned around in his chair to see that the room had changed configuration and a woman in a long dress was standing there smiling and nodding at him. He did not recognize the room, and who was this woman? He nodded back, then turned around and started turning off his computer. When he turned back to the apparition, it was gone and the room was changed back to his own again. So Jan and I are taking all this in, and I exclaim, "Why has Chris never told me about this?" Sister said he was reluctant to report sightings and experiences like this, concerned he would not be believed. Chris also has had feelings of being watched, suddenly looking over his shoulder while milking his cows. He smelled pipe smoke at various times, too. So Jan and I listened as long as Sister Bernadette was willing to talk. She assured us that as long as Lydia Rose feels we are doing right be the farm then we will be okay. Jan and I gathered up our vegetables, and went back to the barn. I started cooking while Jan started assembling the cat play house she bought for my kitties. We are consumed with what we had just heard, yet busy with our respective activities. Why has Lydia not revealed herself to me? I was here alone all winter, doing chores alone in the barn, lonely as can be at times...I could have used the company! Maybe she is taking her time, waiting to see what I will do with her farm. I am open to any visitations from a kindly spirit. Maybe it's only a matter of time.

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