Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Wild Fibery Morning

I took a half an hour to read my old Wild Fibers Magazines before the kids woke up. What a treat on a rainy morning. Each issue is a treasure of history and skill. WF is the National Geographic of the fiber world. The pictures are amazing and the articles so well written and informative. Now that the magazine has been in publication for a couple of years, I am building up a stack. I just bought a three year subscription, first time I have ever done that. Linda Cortright is a wonder-woman, and Wild Fibers is her baby. She's a one-woman band. I met her several years back at the Vermont Sheep and Wool Festival. She was pondering the idea of publishing a magazine for fiber people and wandered into my booth. I told her it was a terrific idea and asked where I could buy a subscription. Last winter, at the Wild Fibers dinner, held at the NY State Sheep and Wool festival, she told the story of a person so excited about her idea that she was inspired to go ahead and start her magazine - and gave ME a box of Godiva chocolates! I can tell you it was one of the top ten thrills of my life! Long live Linda Cortright and Wild Fibers Magazine!

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