Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Our Daily Splash in the Pond

What a blessing this pond has been this summer. We get our exercise and fresh air climbing up the hill and have a chance to feast our eyes on the lovely views. We pried young Nathan away from the computer to join us. Luke has started riding Bodie in after he fetches the ball, taking a break from frog catching. Hannah walked out to the middle, confirming my suspicion that the pond is no way 20 feet deep, as I was told. Finn and Knut are off the lines for their daily run and fun, and Jasper runs through the woods, serenading us with his Georgia hound dog operatic beagle singing. Hannah and Luke decided to give Izzy some swimming lessons. It occurred to me that he's never been in the water since I've owned him. Now we know Izzy can swim!

1 comment:

  1. these pictures are so cute that i cant stand it! i am so happy that you guys are having so much fun!!!
    miss you! off to library!oxoxoxox


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