Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Rainy Lazy Morning

It's raining outside. Good for the grass, lousy for playing outside...but that's okay. One nice thing about having such a big barn is that you can wander around and play games in it without feeling hemmed in. We can play hide and seek in the hay mow, or find the wild kittens (not easy)or play with the friendly, tame bottle babies. I like the way they can relax and lay around, truly on vacation. They are the quintessential yuppie kids when they are home in Las Vegas, always on the run to school, sports and activities - or running off to the mountains to work with their father at the Boy Scout camps he runs, or jumping on the sail boat, or flying off in Daddy's plane. I can start Hannah on her very own homemade tote bag (she wants one made of the horse print) or play ball with Luke. Right now Luke is asleep and Hannah is curled up in the big chair watching cartoons, still a little groggy. She is 9 now and just on the brink of big-girlhood...still full of fun and play and not yet worried about her looks. Hannah is so incredibly beautiful but refreshingly unaware of it. I suspect in a couple of years she won't be splashing around in the pond catching frogs. I want this segment of her life to last forever...but it can't, so I will savor every moment.

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