Monday, July 23, 2007

Hannah's Felted Wall Hanging

Hannah had the chance to put her spray gun to good use again today. We felted a wall hanging made from some beautiful yellow wool/mohair roving and some blue/red/gold cloud roving I found in the tractor shed. She threw in some dyed silk accents. We had lots of fun and Hannah got a work out. I forgot how physical felting is! There is so much I want to do with her, and her folks are coming to get her this weekend. Some things will have to wait, in the meantime I am enjoying every minute.


  1. Hannah's wall hanging is amazing! So may have inspired me to do some spinning as it is like 60 degrees! I'm glad to see you're having so much fun!

  2. i cant stop looking at these cute pictures! we'll have to take a trip to las vegas in the fall for your birthday!

  3. Anonymous2:29 PM

    You are making memories that will last a lifetime. Enjoy.


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