Tuesday, July 24, 2007

King of the Kitties

As long as he has some kitties nearby to snuggle with Luke is happy. I brought a litter of barn kitties into the apt. just so he could have access to the little puffballs any time he wants. Ofcourse, at five years old, supervision is necessary to make sure he doesn't "love them to death." We bought a feather wand kitty toy at the feed store today, and the cats love it. We plan on making more with our own chicken feathers. Next to froggy hunting in the pond, and climbing the pine tree over Finn and Knut's igloos, and roasting marshmallows, Luke loves playing with his kitties and watching cartoons the best. He recently started running around the upstairs hay mows and calling to me through the holes, like "Omi, where are you????" I pretend to be looking for him, but can usually guess by the sound of his little feet. I took Hannah and Luke out to lunch today, after we went grocery shopping. Hannah made a comprehensive list of what we needed, then made sure I bought everything. Eating out is great because I have them captive and can ask a million questions about home, school, friends, etc. The week is flying by...


  1. i just cant stand it!! they are so cute! today at work, i sold 3 bags of yours! and 2 lotions!!! everyone was playing with them all afternoon, in complete admiration of how amazing and talented you are mommie!!!!

  2. Anonymous7:58 AM

    The pictures are just about as precious as you can get.


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