Monday, July 23, 2007

Apple Treat Time

The apple tree in Sister Grace's front yard is dropping apples like crazy. They are tiny little green ones with bad spots here and there. We cut them up and give them to the sheep, goats and chickens (they get the gooey pieces, yum!). Hannah has wisely positioned herself on the other side of the fence - sheep can get very demanding about their treats...

I wanted to take Hannah and Luke to Barnes and Noble and buy the new Harry Potter book for Hannah, and let Luke play with the Thomas the Tank Engine table. It seemed a good way to spend part of a rainy day...but they wanted to stay here on the Farm. Fine with me! Any day on the Farm is a good day!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous4:52 PM

    Dear Maggie,
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful farm and family with us.
    You are living what many of us can only dream about. Keep writting..


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