Monday, July 23, 2007

Just Like Old Times

Look who came to visit! Baby Thunder figured out that we were living in one end of the barn and decided to take a peak. It did my heart good to hear his little hoofs go clip clop on the floor. He took a look around then saw Izzy, who he detests. Back he went out the door, then exited the barn and called to me through the window. I am still selling photographs of Thunder looking out the window of the little shack we lived in on Creek Road in New Jersey. Baby Thunder is a Coopworth sheep. He has a delightful baa, much more melodic than the Bluefaced Leicester. BFL's sound like a deep, raucous fog horn. I remember when Matt drove up with my first purebred BFL ram, Duncan, and I heard that sound coming out of the truck. I thought, "What the heck is that?" Fortunately, I still have Baby Thunder to sing to me once in a while.


  1. i'll never forget when i came home and met little baby thunder for the first time! he had on a little blue collar, and was circling the house doing those little heel clicks that are so funny! he still comes to say hi whenever i visit! what a happy sheep he is! miss you, poppy, and all the critters!

  2. I remember when he was sick and peeing all over the inside of the house. Poor thunder. Miss you guys and can't wait to visit the farm. It looks beautiful this time of year. I will have to ride my motorcycle up there next summer.


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