Wednesday, June 27, 2007

No Can Do

Matt wants me to help him carry in 27 sheets of wall board today - in 95 F. heat. As much as I want to get the bedrooms done before the kids come, I told him no. He's not used to hearing that from me. I am the can-do girl. The doctor even pronounced me a "Healthy Young Woman" (?!) the other day. Maybe tomorrow, when the temp. goes back down to the 70's...but then I have to go back to school for round 3 of the mediator meeting. I wish I could shake my co-workers by the shoulders and tell them to get real - don't they know there are Americans dying like flies in Iraq, being torn limb from limb???? And we can't get along? I remember when AJ signed up after 911. Six months later he found himself in Cuba in a hut with 30 Spanish speaking enlisted men from Jersey City. They only wanted to get drunk and watch Spanish TV and MTV, and hold wrestling matches on the floor when AJ was trying to sleep after duty. Did he cry and whine and ask for a mediator? No way - he learned to speak Spanish and get along with them!! I'm so relieved to have this job, which keeps my farm going and my belly full, so I try to leave personal feelings at the door and just say a great big HI!! Good Morning!! to everybody I see. It works...and gets me in the right head for the day. On a happier note, Big Jim Baldwin is coming on Friday to shear goats. Happy goaties and happy Maggie!


  1. Those kittens are absolutely beeeautiful! So cuddly.

  2. Thank you, I love my kitties! Laurie, my friend from work, made that fleece throw for me for my birthday!

  3. You are tempting me with those uber cute yellow kitties...I just want to cuddle them. Fabulous!


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