Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Llama At Rest Tends to Stay At Rest

I went out at sundown to take in the pretty colors and couldn't help but admire my boys, Chris and Breeze. I am still amazed at how handsome they are, and their lofty, proud attitude. It commands respect. I want to lie down and rest my head on Chris's back, the way some llama owners can do, but he would never allow it. He belongs to the flock - and that's okay.


  1. I love the kitty tail curling in the corner of Chris's photo.

  2. I love the kitty tail curling in the corner of Chris's photo.

  3. Ah Hah! The kitty tail was a plant to see if Gretchen was paying attention! Good girl, Gretchen! I often use pictures with hidden elements to surprise her...she's such a shrewd little monkey!

  4. Which one is Chris and which is Breeze? Do they get sheared too?

  5. Chris is the brownish red llama and the other is Breeze. They are half brothers - same mother, different fathers. Chris is much bigger. When the vet first saw Breeze he thought he was an alpaca!

  6. Let's also not forget the calico kitty relaxing by the barn door. O I'd like to be a cat one day. I love finding the kitties.


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