Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Bridie and Brandon Want to Come in for a Visit

There are pros and cons to living in the barn. I love it. I love the feel of a sturdy concrete floor under the pine boards. I love being up high off the ground. I love the exposed wooden slats on the ceiling, and all the rafters holding up the hay on top of me. I love the feeling that I am in a giant sturdy structure. I love the big windows where I have a great view of the field and the silos...but the critters know we are in there with them. When I leave the apt. and walk through the work room which acts as a buffer between we and them, this is what I see. A couple of times the bottle babies have scooted in between my legs when I was carrying things. Unfortunately, they are overwhelmed by the sight and smells of the apt. and suddenly let go with a big blast of little pellets. No lambies in my gleaming white and sweet smelling apt.! I am still giving them water bottles, thinking the kids will enjoy doing it when they come...and I can make sure they are getting enough to drink in this awful heat...BUT it is getting a little tedious. If they hear my voice they start screaming under the windows! Yes, I did create these little monsters...but they are so gosh darn CUTE!!

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