Monday, April 16, 2007

Holly on the Run

Mia called last night and said she would like to see a picture of Holly on my blog. Mia and AJ found Holly at the Chenango SPCA and gave her to me for Christmas. She had been running in the park and was wishing she had a doggie to run with. Holly would be perfect, as she is always on the run. That's the main reason why you don't see her on the blog a lot. I managed to get a still picture by sitting down with her in the trailer. She must be part German Shepherd along with black lab. She has the snout and coloring, with a long body and long pretty legs. Holly is an awkward teenager now, and has a lot to learn about manners, etc. She will sit when I tell her, but her sitting is combined with lying down, rolling around, etc. It's torture for Holly to watch people eat. After living alone with me during the week when we eat, sleep, and take care of the sheep together, Holly thinks she is human. So do all my doggies. Thor, Finn, and Knut are barn dogs. Finn and Knut won't come into the trailer at all, but Thor will. They had so much fun in the snow today...big white snowy dogs, looking like they were totally in their element...on the farm.

1 comment:

  1. awww... i can't believe how big she is!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my goodness.. she is so pretty.. wow- she would whip me into shape so fast!!!! i love you!


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