Monday, April 16, 2007

Snowed In and Loving It

It's April 16 and we are snowed in. Mattie is here, I have hay, dog/cat food and goodies for us. I spent the morning filling up water containers. I scrubbed out our Saturday night bath tub and filled it up with water. No power, no water pump. With so many lactating moms and bottle babies no water would be a castrophe. Power is out in Norwich, a half hour south of here. The lights have flickered a few times but still good here. I wish Moira would have her lambs while Matt is still here. She was the one who had twin #2 stuck in her last year. Took me a half hour to pull him out - dead. The other twin, a big, gorgeous, fleshy ewe just gave birth to Nip and Tuck and is doing great. Dr. Rachel might be available, but I would like to handle it myself. I have bothered her plenty this season. Matt tells me she wrecked her Suburu and is driving an F150. With gas at almost $3 a gallon for regular here I feel sorry for her. Matt got all suited up and sealed the windows to spray primer on the apt. ceiling. The brand new machine Steve so kindly dropped off to us wouldn't work for love or money. Will I ever get out of the trailer??? I am beginning to wonder. A good thing - I found the little chicken we couldn't catch the other day. She was buried in the snow by the trailer. I was going to make coffee and let the dogs out for playtime in the snow...Pip jumped on the chicken did he know she was there?...and I dropped the cups and jumped on Pip. Good timing all around. If he didn't jump her I would never have known she was there. That little chicken was SO happy to get back in her room with her friends!

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