Friday, April 20, 2007

Having Company

I must be insane, but I invited some friends from work over to see the babies. I just had to share the cuteness. They all come from farming families so they know and understand what I am trying to do. There is nowhere for guests to go to the bathroom...we gave back to portopotty because it froze and couldn't be emptied. If I had the equipment I would have dug an outhouse by now. I spent all my money getting a septic put in for the apt. I can't even live in. Doesn't seem like I ever will...but I am trying to remain optimistic. I, who lived in a center hall colonial with 4 bathrooms for 18 years, emailed them to remind them to use the potty before they come. The millions of things I wanted to do to get ready for them is not happening...had to clean the trailer last night and shovel some mud away from the barn entrance. They know to wear boots. Sometimes I can't believe the turn my life has taken...and it's ALL my own doing!

1 comment:

  1. Hey,'re making one of your dreams come true, right? That's what it's all about, not whether the neighbors are impressed. If they're all farmers, chances are they've had their fair share of difficulties, too. Cheer up! It'll be fine.


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