Thursday, April 19, 2007

Feeling Better...

When I need to calm down, I stand in the middle of the East End, the biggest part of the downstairs barn and listen to the sheep and goats chewing their cud. It's a very soothing sound to me. While I was doing this, I felt a head rubbing on my back, then coming around to nuzzle my hand. It was Lilly, my favorite sheep. She hasn't done this in a while. But maybe I haven't stood still long enough for her to approach me? She is the mother of Denzel and Forrest. I worry about her, as she had a lump in her udder which I feared might be a tumor. She still is a little thin. I secretly let her into the silo room where I keep the rabbit food and let her snack on a little. It's 18% protein and loaded with alfafa. I'm trying to fatten her up a bit. Most of the others are too fat. I also love to watch the bellies of the pregnant ones. I think I have just two left - I think. The lambs do gymnastics inside, and the belly undulates. The weather is gorgeous. I have to get a couple of orders together and run out to mail them. Hated to put the doggies in the trailer, but they were out all morning. When the apt. is done they will stay in my workroom and lay on the cool concrete floor. There will be a doggie door to an outside pen. Life is good.


  1. Wow! What a beauty he is! I'm glad you're feeliing better! Good wether always helps, too. Have a great day!

  2. Ahhh...if I could just type...Good WEATHER always helps.


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