Friday, April 20, 2007

BOCES Comes to the Farm

My teacher friends from the Board of Cooperative Educational Services came to visit today. What a great time we had. Those girly-girls are the greatest. They brought all kinds of goodies with them including wine, pastries from my FAVE bakery, Le Maison Blanche, etc. I had the lamb bottles ready and we went straight to the barn to feed the bottle brigade. It was great fun to watch Gretchen do double duty on two big black lambs determined to pull the bottles right out of her hands! Laurie's nephew, Elijah, just fell for little Bridie, who followed him all the way up to the top of the hill (when she wasn't being carried.) Her son, Tommy, had so much fun with all the dogs, he didn't know who to play with next. Kelly's son, Brandon, overcame his fear of the wild horde of sheep and goats and was romping in the boy's pen by the end of the afternoon! We ate lunch outside and let the sun warm our faces. Hard to believe we had just braved a Nor'easter at the beginning of the week. I was sorry to see them go but we will be together again on Monday. Big Daddy is coming home tonight. The cycle of life goes on...the wheel goes round and round.

1 comment:

  1. Ya gotta love company that brings food and wine. Sounds like a great day!


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