Monday, March 19, 2007

Horizontal Snow

From the classroom windows I watched with horror as the few little flakes turned into a driving horizontal snowstorm. I had turned off the heat lamp over Bridie, Fiona and Brendan's pen before I left the farm. I was too afraid of someone pulling down the light and causing a fire. I had not payed enough attention to the weather report and even turned off the heat in the trailer. For two hours I imagined coming home to a frozen lamb or two. I thought Brendan would be okay, he's a little bigger and was on the teat this morning...but Bridie and Paddy? I drove home as fast as the conditions would let me and pulled in. The dogs in the trailer hear the truck and the trailer erupts in barking and banging...there was Knut and Finn, wno had run away on me this morning, the bums. I opened the door to the Milk Room and there were the puppies, chubby and happy. I tiptoed into the barn and there was Fiona with Bridie and Brendan snuggled up against her. I saw Bridie's ears twitch and I breathed a sigh of relief. Paddy looked okay, but frail. Minerva saw the puppies with me and jumped to her feet, ready to defend her baby. Paddy took the opportunity to get that teat and nurse. I went back to the Milk Room to make bottles and fed Tonya, who stays in the barn with the flock now, Denzel, Forrest, Chip, Manny and Joe. This took time and several refills. I have GOT to get a hanging bucket! When they are young and frail it is important to know just how much they are getting - but when they are older and porky they can use a hanging bucket.
Matt called from Mendham, NJ where he is converting a barn into a swimming pool cabana and living area. He worked all day after driving four hours to get there and was headed for his favorite motel to bed down for the night. I have two hours of chores to do and plan on doing the same. No Big Daddy to keep me company, but plenty of four footed friends.

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